Sunday, September 4, 2016


As a man of action, it should not surprise you that I would 
have a considerable weapon stockpile.


This be a wee dagger for me lass's pyrate costume.
This dagger is made of a layers of lauan.  The pommel and crossguard were coated in mod podge for a more metalic texture.   The scabbard is wrapped in leather and has craft foam chape and locket.

A tribal hide shield and spears I brought back from expedition in Africa.
The shield is cardboard covered in paper towel mache(gives a nice scaly texture).  The spearheads 
are craft foam and those are real sticks of bamboo, people.  Be impressed.

A Skyrim inspired axe... for which I needed no reason to make.
4 layered craft foam blade and wooden handle.

I had a MIGHTY NEED to make a cutlass and had enough stuff for 2 so... there's 2.
These have wooden blades/tangs, craft foam baskets and wood grips.


Obligatory Nerf Maverick mod.
Just paint and craft foam accents.

Run of the mill steampunk rifle.
The scope, mag and lever are from a toy gun, barrel is pvc pipe and the other bits are pvc and craft foam.

A Fallout inspired plasma rifle.
This is just a big ol' pvc pipe with other pvc and craft foam bits attached.  The barrel glass
was a cheap flashlight.

I felt it only appropriate to end this post with this photo:

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